Friday, January 13, 2017

Bear Hugs Bear
I am pleased (and relieved) to announce the opening of  the new Valentine's Day Teddy Bear Gifts page!!!!   It is indeed a relief to have finished the revamping of that page.  Hopefully it has a cleaner look, and even though still rather long, not nearly as long as it was.

Also, I am BEAR-y happy to introduce you to my newest Valentine Bear, Bear Hugs Bear.  She's too cute for words, you'll just have to go take a look at her. (though you can see a sneak peek in this blog post)

I have one more new Valentine bear I hope to introduce to you next week.

I also changed my "tag" line for this year.  It is now "The wonderful world of teddy bear gifts for grown ups". 

Your discount code for 2017 is still "bfg" for 15% off any order.  Sample items included until further notice.

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