Friday, April 13, 2012

A Gallery of Teddy Bears

Several months ago, I added a page to my website of pictures showing different teddy bears I had made in the past.  These were variations of items shown on my website, but in different colors, or maybe something special a customer had wanted to make the gift more personal.  I have Basketball Bears, Graduation Bears, Football Bears, just to name a few, shown on this page.  Yesterday, a woman found me by searching for someone who had made a basketball bear for her daughter a few years ago.  Guess what!  That someone was ME!!!  She saw my Gallery of Teddy Bears and saw a picture of the very bear that had been made for her daughter (see picture here).  Now she wants to order another one for her younger daughter.  How cool is that?  I never thought about that benefit from having previous order pictures on my website, but it looks like a good move at this point.  I have many more I could add and will some day......

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